Intruder Alarm System either Commercial, Industrial or Domestic come in all shapes & sizes, and at Radius Security Solutions all requirements can be facilitated.
Fully monitored wired and wireless alarm equipment is available for linking control and detection equipment for intruder alarms. A typical wireless application is when an out-building needs connecting to the main alarm. Normally, a trench or overhead cable would be required, whereas wireless equipment can often prove simpler and provide a more cost-effective way of dealing with the situation.
Alternatively, in order to support a “quicker” installation in premises where decor is of significant importance a “radio solution” is ideal. Systems that require integration with Fire Alarms and C.C.T.V. can be accommodated by utilising our Building Management System.
No Telephone Line No Problem Monitoring through the GSM Network is available, this provides “Text Messaging” or “Email” from the secured site to the building manager. The Radius Security Solutions “Universal GSM” module is suitable for any control panel and we specialise in “System Take-Overs”.